
Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Manic Monday

Well, this is homeschool. The kids were having a hard time getting it together. I couldn't get them to do anything. They love to play the "we're best friends" game. They don't hardly get along until it's time for school. I decided we would sit and read on the sofa. Jamie rolled her eyes while her brother rolled on the floor. They complained the whole time. We went outside, but then they started arguing. Huh! What to do! I finally decided they would work until 8pm. They didn't even have much to do. Some math, some language arts and some reading. It only took a couple of hours. You would've thought they were doing hours and hours of bookwork. Ha!

1 comment:

live4evermom said...

I've had those days too. Sometimes it seems like math and science would take all day but once I say "no games the rest of the day" you should see how fast they get their work done.