The principal and I went out to get some treats for their 1st day of school too. He helped me decorate. You can click on the pictures to enlarge them. I have a few new games we can play. I found some math and geography games to help with our memory and for fun. We will begin lightly tomorrow. Mostly the 3 R's. We will also be incorporating more home ec. I am not quite ready with their schedules, but I have to start sometime and if I put it off, it will not get done. Hope to post more tomorrow. For now I have to hit the sack, since I will be trying to get up early. I don't want to be a grouchy zombie tomorrow. hehehe
I am a Homeschooling SAHM. I have two wonderful children who are growing up too fast and a very patient husband. This blog is being set up to keep an account of my good and bad days. It is to inspire and to keep me inspired. It is a way to show family and friends the joy and reality of HOMESCHOOL.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
---------------------Getting Ready For Tomorrow!
Woo hoo! I'm excited even if no one else is. I will leave their schedules on their desks tonight along with some treats. We will take pictures tomorrow afternoon when the "principal" gets home from his "other" job. I have really been working hard on cleaning up and cleaning out the school area. I am posting pictures from one side to the other. These are a couple of our bookshelves. Of course, as any homeschooler, we have bookshelves in each room of our house. Yes, they are all loaded with books. I LOVE BOOKS! hehehe

The principal and I went out to get some treats for their 1st day of school too. He helped me decorate. You can click on the pictures to enlarge them. I have a few new games we can play. I found some math and geography games to help with our memory and for fun. We will begin lightly tomorrow. Mostly the 3 R's. We will also be incorporating more home ec. I am not quite ready with their schedules, but I have to start sometime and if I put it off, it will not get done. Hope to post more tomorrow. For now I have to hit the sack, since I will be trying to get up early. I don't want to be a grouchy zombie tomorrow. hehehe
The principal and I went out to get some treats for their 1st day of school too. He helped me decorate. You can click on the pictures to enlarge them. I have a few new games we can play. I found some math and geography games to help with our memory and for fun. We will begin lightly tomorrow. Mostly the 3 R's. We will also be incorporating more home ec. I am not quite ready with their schedules, but I have to start sometime and if I put it off, it will not get done. Hope to post more tomorrow. For now I have to hit the sack, since I will be trying to get up early. I don't want to be a grouchy zombie tomorrow. hehehe
Friday, August 28, 2009
Out With the Old, In With the New
Isn't it nice to start new. It's like Spring. hehehe You know, when everything looks nice and fresh and bright green. New books, pencils, pens, paper, and a new schedule. It's almost time to start up again. We have only the weekend left. On Monday we will have an easy day. Just going over expectations, the schedule, and their new chores.
This week was all theirs. They have nothing to do and all the time to do it in. hehehe I have repeatedly asked if they are bored and the answer is always, "No". They have gone swimming, read books, slept in, woke up early, attended the District Convention, played with friends, cooked, had hard times, good times, and some easy times.
We collected bugs.
We rescued birds.

We rekindled old friendships.
Recharged our spiritual batteries.
Now it is time to get back to our school schedule. Hopefully I won't be too tired to post on Monday with new 1st day of school pictures.
This week was all theirs. They have nothing to do and all the time to do it in. hehehe I have repeatedly asked if they are bored and the answer is always, "No". They have gone swimming, read books, slept in, woke up early, attended the District Convention, played with friends, cooked, had hard times, good times, and some easy times.
We collected bugs.
We rescued birds.
We rekindled old friendships.
Friday, August 14, 2009
All About Timing
Hm? Where does the time go? It seems these days that it goes by all too quickly and then it's time to start dinner. No, I'm not talking about the years. I'm talking about the hours. Between laundry, bathroom cleaning, sweeping (just to mention a few)and the other chores we have around here, it seems as though there isn't enough time to get in all the fun and schooling we want. The good thing about a new year is that we can try again. You know, something different. We go thru our planners or schedules and keep what worked and throw out what didn't. So as I go thru the blogs I have stored in my Favorites list, I find things I can glean. Some school in the mornings, some in the afternoons, and some in the evenings. Others do what I like to call grazing. hehehe You know a little here and there and take a few breaks. We are all different and there is no right or wrong way. Its whatever works for each of us. With all of our different circumstances, we have to keep in mind what's important. Our child's education, bonding, fun, spirituality, or all of the above. Whatever is most important to YOU. The parent.
So one of the things I was thinking of trying was working with each child individually for 20 minutes. Although I only have 2 and they are 8 and 13, they still require some one on one. That's not a bad thing. I like it. I get to see what they need help on or how they think to come up with the answers. I'm undecided. Maybe 20 minutes each then a 20 minute break. Then I can give them things that they can work on by themselves. Like if I start with the oldest one for 20 minutes then let her work alone for 20 minutes. That will give me time to work for 20 minutes uninterrupted with the younger one then give him some time to work alone. After that we can take a 20 minute break so I can do some housework. Then we can start again. Maybe using the same method. The problem I have is the constant interruptions. Not just the phone and other external things, but from people that get bored while waiting their turn. hehehe
Well these are just my thoughts for today. The best I can hope for is the chance to keep trying and hopefully we will find what works. I do like the chance for a fresh start the next year. It also keeps ME from getting bored. hehehe After all, they are growing up quickly. Soon they won't need my help like that anymore, so I have to make the best of the time we have together.
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